Through this complete tutorial I am going to tell you how how to change background in Photoshop of any picture. Removing the background Swami picture is always a challenging task in Photoshop. But the latest version of Photoshop CC 2020 has reduced the effort for selecting the background from any image.
Changing the background indirectly means selection of the subject from any image. If we can properly select the subject format image we can easily remove the background from that image. You have created a full playlist on how you can select the subject from any image, the full playlist and all the tutorials available on our YouTube channel you can visit that anytime and it is free of cost.
Let me tell you there are lots of selection tool available in Photoshop you can use any of those tools to select the subject from the image. Latest version of Photoshop CC 2020 you will have a tool name object selection tool.Which allows to select the object from any image just by creating or selecting a box around the subject, and there it automatically select the subject from the image. do you can refine the ages with the quick selection tool.
How to Change Background in Photoshop?
Select the Background
Change background fast select the subject by using those processes mentioned earlier.

Create Layer Mask
Now create a new layer mask into this layer with the active selection. if you have selected the subject then after creating the layer marks the background will be hidden but if you have selected the background then after creating the layer marks the subject will be hidden, for that, you have to press control or command I holding the mouse cursor over the layer mask.
Apply your new Background
Now you can see your background is transparent and you can apply any kind of background according to your choice below of your subject. For example, here I am applying a solid color adjustment layer of having color green under the subject layer.

I hope this will help you to understand how to change your background in Photoshop. If you found this tutorial in school and quite informative do share this article with your designer friends. If you have any type of difficulties while changing your background in Photoshop you can definitely check out our YouTube video mentioned below. If you found all videos helpful and informative don’t forget to like share and subscribe to our YouTube channel and be a part of our family.