All Marquee Selection tools in Photoshop

How to use the Marquee Tools in Photoshop

Rectangle Marquee Tool

1. Click On the Rectangle Marquee Tool or the so called selection tool from the tool bar of Photoshop.

2. Click, hold and drag the mouse over the object you want to select. Press Shift while dragging the mouse to maintain the ratio of the selection.

3. After completing the drag you will find the highlighted selection.

4. Right-click on the selection while selection any selection tool from the tool bar to open additional selection options for any selected area.

5. You can use layer via copy or layer via cut to copy or cut the selected part. Example: Here we have used the layer via cut on the selected area.

Elliptical Marquee Tool

6. Similarly you can use the elliptical Marquee tool to select an ellipse from an object. Hold Shift while dragging the mouse to create a perfect circle.

Single Row Marquee Tool

7. Single Row Marquee Tool allows us to select a row of pixels from a picture or layer.

8. Single Row Marquee Tool makes a selection like this. It looks like a single stroke of selection, like it is selecting nothing. but actually it is selecting a row full of pixels from the selected layer.

Single Column Marquee Tool

9. Single Column Marquee Tool allows us to select a column of pixels from a picture or layer.

10. Single Column Marquee Tool makes a selection like this. It looks like a single stroke of selection, like it is selecting nothing. but actually it is selecting a column full of pixels from the selected layer.

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