Photoshop is a very reasonable software for photo editing purposes. We can create different types of photo effects, overlays, and edits with the help of Photoshop. You can also make black and white photo in Photoshop. As Photoshop is a master software, there are many ways we can make black and white photo in Photoshop. In this post, I will discuss the concept of how how how to make black and white photo from my color photo. And will also share with you some of the processes by which you can make black and white photo in Photoshop.
How to make black and white photo in Photoshop ?
In previous we have already discussed as Photoshop is a very vast software and is used for photo editing and for photo retouching purposes. That’s why there are various ways we can make black and white photo in Photoshop.

Black and white Adjustment Layer
You can find an adjustment icon from the bottom of the layer panel, if you click on that adjustment icon you will able to find a list of adjustments provided by Photoshop.If you are not able to see the layer panel in your Photoshop workspace press F7 ( by default) to enable the layer panel in Photoshop workspace. From the list you will able to see an adjustment layer named black and white adjustment. Click on that adjustment layer.
Now you will find a new layer has been applied above your selected layer in the layer panel. Now you can see black and white effect has already been applied on the underlying layers of the new added black and white adjustment layer. Now you can see some sliders has been provided to you to control the amount of black and white or the darkness or brightness for your photo. Now play with the sliders until you become satisfied with the result.

Grayscale Mode
There is another way by which you can also make black and white photo in Photoshop. But I generally recommend the first method for creating black and white photo in Photoshop. Though changing the mode in grayscale is a different type of making black and white photo in Photoshop.
If you want to apply this method for your process you have to click on the image option from the menu bar. Then you will find the mode section.Then change the mode to grayscale. It will change all available images or layers in your layer panel into grayscale mode. In simple words grayscale mode means a such mode where images are created using only black and white colors.
But keep in mind you cannot modify the amount of black or whites in your images. You will also find that many of adjustment layers has been disabled due to this current mode. as maximum adjustment layers are created for RGB colour mode not for grayscale mode. But in some cases you need this option to make all of your layer grayscale at once. But if you don’t need this type of thing, then you must go for the black and white adjustment option available in RGB mode. Where the colour black and white it will be created through red green and blue colours. And you will have much control over your image.
Hope the above two methods will solve your queries about how to make black and white photo in Photoshop. do the main concept for creating black and white photos in Photoshop is to just remove the available colours from your photos. You can see if you desaturate your image your image will start feeding and will become black and white. So black and white just means that there is no colour in your image.
Colorful Image – colours = Black and white Image
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